RHBS Community RHBS Community Learn more about our RHBS students and alumni Samantha Noyek's Story Kyle Vader's Story Our MSc Students Below you will find our RHBS MSc student profiles. Current MSc Students Name: Geneviève Bacchus Supervisor: Dr. Jordan Miller Academic Background: Bachelor of Health Sciences, Queen’s University Name: Tamunoemi Bob-Manuel Supervisor: Dr. Afolasade Fakolade Academic Background: Bachelor of Medical Rehabilitation (Physical Therapy), Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria Name: Hana HadleySupervisor: Dr. Setareh Ghahari Academic Background: Honours Bachelor of Science, University of Waterloo Name: Sara Hayat Sarkandi Supervisor: Dr. Sandra Fucile Academic Background: Bachelor of Science, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Iran Name: Roya HeydaripourkoshkooeiSupervisor: Dr. Nora FayedAcademic Background: Bachelor of Science, Hamedan University of Medical Science Name: Nafiseh HivehchiSupervisor: Dr. Setareh GhahariAcademic Background: Doctor of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences Name: Esther Odan-Egwurube Supervisor: Dr. Afolasade Fakolade Academic Background: Rehabilitation Science Education, University of Jos, Nigeria Name: Rachel PhamSupervisor: Dr. Mary Ann McColl Academic Background: Honours Bachelor of Kinesiology, University of Toronto Name: Carla Renata Sampaio De Souza Supervisor: Dr. Heather Aldersey Academic Background: Respiratory Physical Therapy Specialist, University Estacio de Sá, Brazil Name: Nithikaa ShashikanthSupervisor: Dr. Sandra FucileAcademic Background: Bachelors in Physiotherapy, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, India Name: Angela Tonini Supervisor: Dr. Sandra Fucile Academic Background: Honours Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy, Queen’s University Our PhD Students Below you will find our RHBS PhD student profiles. Current PhD Students (A-D) Name: Biniyam Abebaw AbebeSupervisor: Drs. Nicole Bobbette & Catherine DonnellyAcademic Background: Master of Arts, Sociology, Addis Ababa UniversityResearch Proposal Title: Understanding the process of access to primary healthcare for adults with disabilities in rural Ethiopia Name: Ansha AhmedSupervisor: Dr. Marcia FinlaysonAcademic Background: Master of Science, Ergonomics, Loughborough UniversityResearch Proposal Title: The Return to Work Trajectories and Outcomes of Traumatic Injury Survivors in Ethiopia Name: Rawan Aldainy Supervisor: Dr. Trisha Lawson Academic Background: Master of Science in Occupational Therapy, Sacred Heart University Name: Ashwaq AlqahtaniSupervisor: Dr. Afolasade FakoladeAcademic Background: Master of Science, Rehabilitation Science, Concordia University WisconsinResearch Proposal Title: Exploring the Caregiving Experiences and Needs of Parents of Children with Cerebral Palsy in Saudi Arabia Name: Hiwot AndualemSupervisor: Dr. Heather AlderseyAcademic Background: Master of Social Work, Adis Ababa University Name: Shristi Bajracharya Supervisor: Dr. Heather Aldersey Academic Background: Master of Science in Rehabilitation Sciences, Bangladesh Health Professional Institute Name: Adhanom Gebreegziabher BarakiSupervisor: Dr. Catherine DonnellyAcademic Background: Master of Science, Epidemiology, University of GondarResearch Proposal Title: Integrating mental health services into primary care in the Ethiopian Context: A Multiple Method Study Name: Tiziana Bontempo Supervisor: Dr. Nicole Bobbette Academic Background: Master of Science in Rehabilitation Science, Queen’s University Name: Tibeb DebeleSupervisor: Dr. Beata BatorowiczAcademic Background: Master of Science, Clinical Midwifery, University of GondarResearch Proposal Title: Beyond Repair: A grounded theory of social inclusion of women after obstetric fistula surgical treatment in Ethiopia. Name: Solomon Fasika DemissieSupervisor: Dr. Jordan MillerAcademic Background: Master of Science, Physical Therapy, University of GondarResearch Proposal Title: Exploring the Alignment of Low Back Pain Care in Ethiopia with Clinical Practice Guidelines: A Mixed-Methods Study. Current PhD Students (E-M) Name: Paulina FinakSupervisor: Dr. Beata BatorowiczAcademic Background: Master of Science, Speech Language Pathology, Laurentian UniversityResearch Proposal Title: Environmental factors explaining the transition from relying on graphic symbols to using spelling in communicative interactions of persons with severe speech impairments and a physical disability who use augmentative and alternative communication Name: Rahwa Youssuf HusenSupervisor: Dr. Trisha LawsonAcademic Background: Master of Arts, Journalism and Communication, Adis Ababa University Name: Selamawit KassaSupervisor: Dr. Setareh GhahariAcademic Background: Master of Arts, Counseling Psychology, Addis Ababa UniversityResearch Proposal Title: Exploring Schizophrenia Recovery and Recovery-Oriented Practice in Ethiopia. Name: Stephanie LackeySupervisor: Dr. Beata BatorowiczAcademic Background: Master of Science, Occupational Therapy, Queen’s UniversityResearch Proposal Title: Critical factors in the provision of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) services that influence the access to and effective use of AAC in Canada Name: Vèronique Lègarè Supervisor: Dr. Beata Batorowicz Academic Background: Master of Health Science Speech-Language Pathology, University of Ottawa Name: Jonathan LommenSupervisors: Drs. Olga Bougie and Timothy BryantAcademic Background: Master of Science, Human Kinetics, University of Ottawa Name: Mir Sanim Al Mamun Supervisor: Dr. Jordan Miller Academic Background: Master of Public Health, Queen’s University Name: Aleminew Abebe MekonenSupervisor: Dr. Heather AlderseyAcademic Background: Master of Social Work, Adis Ababa UniversityResearch Proposal Title: Exploring Social Networks in Higher Education: The Case of Students with Physical Disabilities at the University of Gondar, Ethiopia. Name: Dawit Gebeyehu MekonenSupervisor: Dr. Erna Snelgrove-ClarkeAcademic Background: Master of Science, Clinical Midwifery, University of GondarResearch Proposal Title: The quest for inclusive maternal health care: Exploring access to maternal health care services for women with physical disabilities in the Northwestern district of Ethiopia, an instrumental case study. Name: Melkitu Fentie MelakSupervisor: Dr. Beata BatorowiczAcademic Background: Master of Science, Applied Human Nutrition, University of GondarResearch Proposal Title: Exploring Caregiving Experience and support needs among family caregivers of Children with cerebral palsy and service providers in Ethiopia Name: Asmamaw Adugna MershaSupervisor: Dr. Afolasade FakoladeAcademic Background: Master of Public Health, Health Promotion and Communication, University of GondarResearch Proposal Title: Experiences of Stroke Survivors and Their Family Caregivers in Ethiopia: A Multiple Methods Study Current PhD Students (N-Z) Name: Caitlin PicconeSupervisor: Dr. Heather AlderseyAcademic Background: Master of Public Health, Queen’s UniversityResearch Proposal Title: Exploring the Role of Mental Health Supports in Community Based Rehabilitation Programs in Ghana Name: Melissa RichardsonSupervisor: Dr. Heidi CrammAcademic Background: Master of Science in Rehabilitation Science, Queen's University Name: Rachel RichmondSupervisor: Dr. Heidi CrammAcademic Background: Master of Arts, Applied Health Science, Brock UniversityResearch Proposal Title: Organizational Readiness for Familial Inclusion in Public Safety Sectors Name: Lauren RobertsSupervisor: Dr. Heidi CrammAcademic Background: Master of Science in Rehabilitation Science, Queen’s UniversityResearch Proposal Title: Developing a quality family participation framework within a military and veteran adult adaptive sport context Name: Krishno Sen Supervisor: Dr. Heather Aldersey Academic Background: Master of Public Health, ASA University Bangladesh Name: Getachew Gebeyaw TadeseSupervisor: Dr. Heather AlderseyAcademic Background: Master of Social Work, University of GondarResearch Proposal Title: Exploring the Role of Community-Based Rehabilitation Programming in Formal and Natural Support for People with Disabilities and Their Families in Ethiopia. Name: Tesfaye Tadele TebekieSupervisor: Dr. Heather AlderseyAcademic Background: Master of Science, Clinical Psychology, University of GondarResearch Proposal Title: Navigating Healthcare and Education Services for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: A Multi-Perspective Study of Parents and Professionals Name: Sintayehu Daba WamiSupervisor: Dr. Jordan MillerAcademic Background: Master of Public Health, University of GondarResearch Proposal Title: Development and pilot testing of an interprofessional rehabilitation program for people with chronic low back pain in Ethiopia Name: Sileshi Ayhualem WubuSupervisor: Dr. Kathleen NormanAcademic Background: Master of Science, Human Anatomy, University of GondarResearch Proposal Title: Seeking to achieve evidence-based use of imaging in low back pain care in Ethiopia through a theory-informed knowledge translation intervention. Name: Fikadu Ambaw Yehualashet Supervisor: Dr. Catherine DonnellyAcademic Background: Master of Public Health, University of GondarResearch Proposal Title: Feasibility of the Diabetes self-management Coaching program for individuals with type 2 diabetes in the Ethiopian primary Care setting: Mixed-methods feasibility randomized controlled trial Name: Muhammed Shahriar ZamanSupervisor: Dr. Sunita MathurAcademic Background: Master of Science in Rehabilitation Therapy, Queen's University Our Recent Alumni Below you will find our recent RHBS MSc and PhD alumni profiles. MSc Alumni Name: Julia DiMaioSupervisor: Dr. Vincent DePaul Thesis Title: An Exploration of the 24-Hour Movement Patterns of Older Adults Living in Naturally-Occurring Retirement Communities Name: Chengying FengSupervisor: Dr. Mohammad AuaisThesis Title: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Exercise Interventions and Use of Exercise Principles to Reduce Fear of Falling in Community-Dwelling Older Adults Name: Miles Lambert Supervisor: Dr. Afolasade FakoladeThesis Title: Exploring Quality Participation in Rehabilitation Name: Shuangxi LiSupervisor: Dr. Beata BatorowiczThesis Title: Friends and Friendships: Exploring the Views of School-aged Children with Disabilities Name: Seyedehniloufar MalakoutiSupervisor: Dr. Dorothy KesslerThesis Title: A Qualitative Exploration of The Experiences of People with Multiple Sclerosis who Receive Occupational Performance Coaching Name: Mikhaila Merrell-McBride Supervisor: Dr. Vincent DePaulThesis Title: Clinician perspectives on integrating motor learning theory and principles into rehabilitation Name: Melissa RichardsonSupervisor: Dr. Heidi CrammPosition at Graduation: PhD Student, Queen's UniversityThesis Title: Serving Families of Those Who Serve: An Exploration of the Psychosocial Experience and Psychosocial Support Needs of Defense and Public Safety Families in Canada Name: Lauren RobertsSupervisor: Dr. Heidi CrammPosition at Graduation: PhD Student, Queen's University Thesis Title: How are families and friends being included in Rehabilitation Research and programs: An examination of current literature and the experiences of family members of Invictus Games' participants Name: Catherine RutledgeSupervisor: Dr. Kathleen NormanThesis Title: Exploring Characteristics of Patients with Acute Low Back Pain in Ontario Primary Care Settings Name: João Rafael Santos SantanaSupervisor: Dr. Beata BatorowiczThesis Title: Exploring the Participation of School-Aged Children in a Collaborative Gameply Supported by Technology Name: Anju SapkotaSpervisor: Dr. Vincent DePaulThesis Title: Enhancing stroke rehabilitation through structured volunteer-delivered arts-based activity: a pilot study Name: Anisia Wong Supervisor: Dr. Sandra FucileThesis Title: The Effect of a Story-Telling Attention-Refocusing Intervention on Parental Stress in Parents with Infants in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit PhD Alumni Name: Dr. Abey Bekele Abebe Supervisor: Dr. Jordan Miller Academic Background: Master of Science, Physiotherapy, University of GondarDissertation Title: Understanding and Advancing Communication Between People Living with Chronic Pain and Their Healthcare Providers in Ethiopia Name: Dr. Molalign Adugna (Belay)Supervisor: Drs. Setareh Ghahari and Rosemary LysaghtDissertation Title: The Quest for Inclusion and Overcoming Stigma: A Constructivist Grounded Theory Study with Children with Physical Disabilities in Ethiopia Name: Dr. Bilen Mekonnen ArayaSupervisors: Drs. Heather Aldersey and Maria VelezDissertation Title: Understanding Infertility and Providing Support for Women Experiencing Infertifity in Ethiopia Name: Dr. Mulugeta Bayisa ChalaSupervisor: Dr. Jordan MillerPosition at Graduation: Postdoctoral Research Fellow - University of TorontoDissertation Title: Building Foundations for Research on Self-Management for Chronic Low Back Pain in Ethiopia Name: Dr. Daphne Doak Supervisor: Dr. Mary Ann McCollDissertation Title: The Relationship Between Military Sexual Assault, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Participation Among Women Veterans of the Canadian Armed Forces Name: Dr. Eshetu Haileselassie EngedaSupervisor: Dr. Nora FayedDissertation Title: Severe malaria-related disability among children in northwest Ethiopia Name: Dr. Navjit Gaurav Supervisors: Drs. Heather Aldersey & Beata BatorowiczDissertation Title: Community Schools in India: Design Sonsiderations to Improve Participation and Inclusion for Children with Physical Disabilities Name: Dr. Shannon HillSupervisor: Dr. Heidi CrammDissertation Title: Understanding and Supporting the School Transitions of Military-Connected Adolescents in Canada Name: Dr. Olivia ManningSupervisor: Dr. Vincent DePaulDissertation Title: Development of a Water-Based Theraputic Exercise Program For Community Stroke Survivors Name: Dr. Amanda MofinaSupervisor: Dr. Catherine DonnellyDissertation Title: Examining the Relationship Between Home Care Rehabilitation Therapy Services and Healthcare Utilization Among Those with Multimorbidity in Ontario, Canada Name: Dr. Samantha NoyekSupervisor: Drs. Nora Fayed and Claire DaviesPosition at Graduation: Postdoctoral Research Fellow - University of Calgary Dissertation Title: Self-Expression, Conceptualization, And Recreated Experiences Of The Emotional Well-Being Of Children And Youth With Severe Motor And Communication Impairment Name: Dr. Jeanette ParsonsSupervisor: Dr. Mary Ann McCollPosition at Graduation: Director, Accessible Learning - Wilfred Laurier University Dissertation Title: Changing accommodations in transition: Students with disabilities and their experiences at university Name: Dr. Julie PetrinSupervisor: Dr. Marcia FinlaysonPosition at Graduation: Postdoctoral Research Fellow - University of SaskatchewanDissertation Title: Healthcare access experiences and concerns of Canadians with multiple sclerosis Name: Dr. Kim RitchieSupervisor: Drs. Heidi Cramm & Alice AikenPosition at Graduation: Postdoctoral Research Fellow - McMaster UniversityDissertation Title: Co-occurring Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms and Dementia in Veterans Living in Long-Term Care Name: Dr. Kyle VaderSupervisor: Dr. Jordan MillerPosition at Graduation: Student - Northern Ontario School of Medicine Dissertation Title: Understanding Team-Based primary care for the management of low back pain Name: Dr. Ashley WilliamsSupervisors: Drs. Heidi Cramm and Catherine DonnellyPosition at Graduation: Post-Doctoral Fellow - McMaster University Dissertation Title: From military to civilian primary care: A study of Veteran transition.