Not currently accepting new graduate students.
Areas of research interest include: productivity roles of adults; integration of persons with acquired or congenital disabilities into competitive workplaces; disability management; educational strategies in the health sciences; evaluation research.
Read more about our Social Enterprise research work: Queen's University Initiative for Social Enterprise & Disability
Current teaching relates to primary research areas on work and productivity of persons with disabilities.
Links to Research Reports:
Lysaght, R., Fecica, A., Brock, K., Krupa, T., Packalen, K., Ross, L. & Roy,M. (2022). WISE Impact: An Outcome Study Focused on WISE in the Mental Health Sector. Produced for Employment and Social Development Canada.
Roy, M., Lysaght, R. & Krupa, T. (2017). Action on the social determinants of health through social enterprise. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 189 (11).
Lysaght, R., Krupa, T & Bouchard, M. (2015). Social Enterprise as an Employment Option - The Role of Social Businesses in the Employment of Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
Lysaght, R., Krupa, T. & Bouchard, M. (2015). Guidelines for Promoting Independence, Choice and Inclusion for Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities through Social Business
Lysaght, R., Krupa, T. & Bedore, M. (2014). Environmental Scan of Social Businesses in the Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Sector.
Lysaght, R. , Krupa, T. & Gregory, A. (2011). Employers' Perspectives on Intermittent Work Capacity - What can qualitative research tell us? Executive Summary
Lysaght, R. & Krupa, T (2011).Social business: Advancing the viability of a model for economic and occupational justice for people with disabilities. Project Final Report, Phase 1. March 2011.
Lysaght, R. , Ouellette-Kuntz, H. & Buzinski, S. (2006). Employment trends of individuals with intellectual disabilities in SouthEastern Ontario - Analysis of placement data from fourteen agencies. Summary Report.
Selected Articles in Refereed Journals (Published, or In Press)
Lysaght, R., Krupa, T. & Gregory, A. (2022). Employer Approaches to Recognizing and Managing Intermittent Work Capacity. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal.
Krupa, T., Lysaght, R.,Yehuala, Y.S., Aldersey, H.M., Adugna, M. B., Kessler, D., Batorowicz, B., Montagnese, J. & Kolomitro, K. (2022).Participation Experiences of People with Disabilities in Ethiopia. African Journal of Disability, 11. doi: 10.4102/ajod.v11i0.1002
Ciampa, M. A., Roca, M. & Lysaght, R. (Early Online). Work Patterns and Support Needs of People with Serious Mental Illness. Community Mental Health Journal. DOI: 10.1007/s10597-021-00930-6
Barton, S., Porter, H., Murphy, S. & Lysaght, R. (2021). Potential outcomes of work integration social enterprises for people who are homeless, at risk of homelessness, or transitioning out of homelessness. Social Enterprise Journal. DOI:10.1108/SEJ-07-2021-0054
Marshall, C.A., Cooke, A., Gewurtz, R., Barbic, S., Roy, L., Lysaght, R. & Kirsh, B. (2021): Competencies for occupational therapy practice in homelessness: A Delphi study, Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, DOI:10.1080/11038128.2021.2002404 Full article: Competencies for occupational therapy practice in homelessness: A Delphi study (
MacDougall AG, Lysaght R, Casey R, Le Ber MJ, Mutiso V, Ndetei D, Krupa T. (2021). Heeding the Call of an Innovative Paradigm for Mental Health Interventions in Low- and Middle-income Countries. Psychiatric Services. doi: 10.1176/ Epub ahead of print.
Gewurtz, R., Tompa, E., Oldfield, M., Lysaght, R., Moll, S., Kirsh, B., … Rueda, S. (2021). Retaining and supporting employees with mental illness through inclusive organizations: lessons from five Canadian case studies. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. DOI: 10.1108/EDI-06-2020-0174
MacDougall AG, Krupa T, Lysaght R, Mutiso V, Casey R, Janzen Le Ber M, Ruhara R, Price E, Kidd S, Ndetei (2021). The CREATE Strategy of Rehabilitation and Recovery for Mental Illness in Low Resource Settings: Development Processes and Evaluation from a Proof of Concept Study in Kenya. International Journal of Mental Health. DOI: 10.1080/00207411.2021.1926725
Lysaght, R., Bobbette, N. & Ciampa, M.A. (2020). Productivity-Based Wages and Employment of People With Disabilities: International Usage and Policy Considerations. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 1– 11.
Marshall, C., Cooke, A., Gewurtz, R., Barbic, S., Roy, L., Ross, C., Becker, A., Lysaght, R. & Kirsh, B. (2020). Bridging the transition from homelessness: Developing an occupational therapy framework. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 30 (7).
Krupa, T., Sabetti, J. & Lysaght, R. (2019). How work integration social enterprises impact the stigma of mental illness: Negotiating perceptions of legitimacy, value and competence, Social Enterprise Journal. Published online June 19.
Marshall, C.A., Davidson, L., Li, A., Gewurtz, R., Roy, L., Barbic, S., Kirsh, B. & Lysaght, R. (2019). Boredom and meaningful activity in adults experiencing homelessness: A mixed methods study. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 1 - 14. Published online Apr. 1.
Wisenthal, A.*, Krupa, T, Kirsh, B. & Lysaght, R. (2019). Insights into cognitive work hardening for return-to-work following depression: Qualitative findings from an intervention study. Work.
Lysaght, R., Krupa, T. & Bouchard, M. (2018). The role of social enterprise in creating work options for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 23(3), 18 - 30.
Gewurtz, R., Kirsh, B., Lahey, P., Lysaght, R., Cook, K. & Wilton, R. (2018). Fear and distrust within the welfare system: the experiences of people with mental illness. Journal of Disability Policy Studies. (Early Online Sept 22).
Lysaght, R., Roy, M., Krupa, T., Rendall, J., Ball, L.* & Davis, J.* (2018). Unpacking the Foundational Dimensions of Work Integration Social Enterprise. Social Enterprise Journal, 14 (1), 60-70.
Boychuk, C.*, Lysaght, R. & Stuart, H. (2018). Career Decision-Making Processes of Young Adults with First-Episode Psychosis. Qualitative Health Research, 28(6):1016-1031.
Roy, M., Lysaght, R. & Krupa, T. (2017). Action on the social determinants of health through social enterprise. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 189 (11).
Marshall, C., Lysaght, R., & Krupa, T. (2017). The experience of occupational engagement of chronically homeless persons in a mid-sized urban context. Journal of Occupational Science, 2(24), 165 – 180.
Lysaght, R., Petner-Arrey, J., Howell-Moneta, A., Cobigo, & V. (2016). Inclusion through Work and Productivity for Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities. Early online August 19.
Krupa, T. Howell-Moneta, A., Lysaght, R. & Kirsh, B. (2016). Employer perceptions of the employability of workers in a social business. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 39(2), 120-8.
Krupa, T. & Lysaght, R. (2016). Perspectives on how social business can engender work identity among people with mental illness. Journal of Policy and Practice, 15(1-2):36-57.
Cobigo, V., Lachapelle, Y., Lysaght, R., Martin, L., Ouellette-Kuntz, H. & Stuart, H. (2016). Social inclusion: A proposed framework to inform policy and service outcomes evaluation. Inclusion, 4(4), 226 - 238.
Thomas, A, Bossers, A, Lee, M. & Lysaght, R. (2016). Occupational therapy education research: Results of a national survey. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 70(5).
Lysaght, R., Siska, J. & Koenig, O. (2015). International Employment Statistics for People with Intellectual Disability – The Case for Common Metrics. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disability, Special Special Issue on Topics Related to the World Report on Disability, 12 (2), 112-119.
Lysaght, R., Kranenburg, R., Armstrong, C. & Krupa, T. (2015). Participant Recruitment for Studies on Disability and Work – Challenges and Solutions. Journal of Rehabilitation. Early online July 16, pp 1 - 16.
Petner-Arrey, J., Howell-Moneta, A. & Lysaght, R. (2015). Facilitating employment opportunities for adults with intellectual and developmental disability through parents and social networks. Disability & Rehabilitation, ePub ahead of print, pp 1 – 7.
Krupa, T. & Lysaght, R. (2016). Perspectives on how social business can engender work identity among people with mental illness. Journal of Policy and Practice, 15(1-2):36-57
Lysaght, R., Cobigo, V., Petner-Arrey, J. & Oullette-Kuntz, H. (2014). Work Preparation and Participation in Ontario for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities – A Cross-Region Analysis. Journal on Developmental Disability, 20, (2), 34 - 43.
Ouellette-Kuntz, H., Lunsky, Y., Lysaght, R., Martin, L., & Saaltink, R. (2013). Partnering for research in intellectual/developmental disabilities – lessons for participant recruitment. Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 19(2), 25-35.
Lysaght, R., Fabrigar, L., Larmour-Trode, S., Stewart, J. & Friesen, M. (2012). Measuring Workplace Social Support for Workers with Disability. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, 22 (3), 376 - 386.
Lysaght, R.,Jakobsen, K. & Granhaug, B. (2012). Social Firms: A Means for Building Employment Skills and Community Integration. Work, 41 (4), 455 – 63.
Lysaght, R. Sparring, C., Ouellette-Kuntz, H. & Marshall, C. (2011). Injury Incidence and
Patterns in Workers with Intellectual Disabilities: A Comparative Study. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 36 (4), 284-288.
Lysaght, R., Ouellette-Kuntz, H & Lin, C. J. (2012).Untapped Potential: Perspectives on the Employment of People with Intellectual Disability. Work, 41, 4, 409 – 422.
Lysaght, R., Cobigo, V. & Hamilton, K. (2012). Inclusion as a Focus of Employment-Related Research in Intellectual Disability: A Scoping Review. Disability & Rehabilitation, 34(16), 1339-50.
Chen, S-P., Krupa, T., Lysaght, R., McCay, E. & Piat, M. (2013). The Development of Recovery Competencies for In-patient Mental Health Providers Working with People with Serious Mental Illness. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 40(2),96-116.
Cobigo, V., Ouellette-Kuntz, H., Lysaght, R., Brown, R. & Martin, L. (2012). Shifting our conceptualization of social inclusion. Stigma Research & Action, 2(2), 75 - 84.
Non-Refereed Publications (i.e. Newsletters, Book Reviews)
Lysaght, R. (2020). Finding social inclusion through inclusive employment. Horizons Magazine (Queen’s Department of Family Medicine), 1, 12 – 14.
Oldfield, M., Gewurtz, R., Tompa, E., Harlos, K., Kirsh, B., Lysaght, R., MacDougall, A., Moll, S., Rueda, S. & Sultan-Taïeb, H. (2018). Improving workplaces to enable people living with mental illness to stay in their jobs. Ontario Occupational Health Nurses Association Journal, 37 (1), 46 – 49.
Books and Book Chapters
Krupa, T., Lysaght, R. & Roy, M. (2021). Designing Work Integration Social Enterprises that impact the health and well-being of people living with serious mental illnesses: an intervention mapping approach. In M.J. Roy & J. Farmer, Social Enterprise, Health, and Wellbeing - Theory, Methods, and Practice. London: Routledge.
Jakobsen, K., Lysaght, R. & Krupa, T. (2017). Impacts on work participation of people with mental health disability. In A. H. Eide, S. Josephsson & K. Vik (Eds). Participation in Health and Welfare Services Professional Concepts and Lived Experience (pp. 141 - 155). London: Routledge.
Schmitz, C., Lysaght, R., Paterson, M., Lee, M. & Thomas, A. (2017). Establishing Collective Priorities for Occupational Therapy Educational Research in Canada. Occupational Therapy Now, 19 (5).
Lysaght, R. (2016) (Book Review). Statistical methods and reasoning for the clinical sciences. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 83(3), 165.
Lysaght, R. & Krupa, T. (2014) Challenges to Workplace Accommodation of Chronic Health Conditions: Employer Perspectives. In Dale-Stone, S., Crooks, V. & Owen, M. (Eds). Working Bodies: Chronic Illness in the Canadian Workplace.
Lysaght, R. & Cobigo, V. (2013). Enhancing the Quality of Life of Marginalized Populations through Employment. In R. Brown & R. Faragher, Challenges for Quality of Life: Applications in Education and Other Social Contexts. Disability Studies Series. Joav Merrick, MD, Series Editor. Nova Publishers.
Lysaght, R & Shaw, L. (2010). Job analysis: What it is and how it is used. In H Stone, M Blouin, editors. International Encyclopedia of Rehabilitation.
Lysaght, R., & Hill, A. (2010). The use of standardized/simulated patients as an alternative to fieldwork. In L. McAllister, M. Paterson, J. Higgs & C. Bithell, Innovations in Allied Health Fieldwork Education: A Critical Appraisal. The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
Shaw, L. & Lysaght, R. (2008). Cognitive and behavioural demands of work. In Jacobs, K. (Ed.). Ergonomics for Therapists, 3rd edition, pp 103 - 122.
Lysaght, R., Ouellette Kuntz, H. & Buzinski, S. (2006). Employment Trends of Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities in Southeastern Ontario - An analysis of data from twelve agencies.
TranSystems, Inc, and Access Transportation (2003). Guidance for Conducting Physical Functional Assessments for ADA Paratransit Eligibility (CD-ROM)(co-author).
Lysaght, R., Wright, J., & Brown, K. (2003). Occupational Therapy Student Recruitment: Attracting Applicants in Uncertain Times. AOTA Education Special Interest Section Newsletter, December.