WISE Impact was a 5 year study of work integration social enterprises (WISEs) in Ontario, and how they can impact the lives of people with mental illnesses and change communities. Our project brought together WISE experts and researchers in a collaborative process that systematically examined WISE outcomes over time. Our research team of interviewers in 5 cities met with new and seasoned WISE workers to collect information on health, social and economic factors 3 times each over a three year period. We also did interviews with supervisors and WISE administrators.
The main goals of the project were to answer these questions:
- Who works in WISEs – and why do they choose WISE?
- How does WISE participation impact social and labour market integration for people with serious mental illness?
- What differences can be seen in the level and nature of change in socio-economic indicators for people who remain in a WISE as compared with those workers who move on to other learning or employment options?
The WISE Impact study concluded in the Spring of 2022. We continiue to work on publications, presentations and other outreach and will be posting new materials on this site as they emerge over the next couple of years.