Graeme Leverette is a Continuing Adjunct faculty member in the Physical Therapy Program. Having previous experience with practicing and managing at the Queen's Physical Therapy Clinic and providing clinical services for Queen's Varsity Athletics his interests continue to be within the field of orthopaedics, in particular, low back pain and clinical best practices. His past teaching responsibilities were in the musculoskeletal component of the program and included: Functional Anatomy, Muscle and Joint Function, Diagnosing Dysfunction, and Spinal Disorders. His current teaching responsibilities include components within the Evidence-Based Practice & Reasoning and the Applied Clinical Competencies courses.
Doctorate (Physical Therapy, Evidence in Motion Institutes of Health Professions)
Master of Science (Physical Therapy, Queen's University)
Bachelor of Arts, Honours (Kinesiology, University of Western Ontario)
PT 831, PT 832, PT 833 - Evidence-Based Practice & Clinical Reasoning
PT 871, PT 872, PT 873 - Applied Clinical Competencies
Graeme is not accepting graduate students.